Welke tonen worden gebruikt in een Brainmachine ?

There are 6 sound tones in Photosonix LS system

There are 6 sound tones in the Photosonix Brainmachines, utilizing the two frequencies F1 and F2 and pitches P1 and P2.

Pulsed Tone – Also known as Isochronic pulses Pitch P1 is pulsed at frequency F1 to the left ear, F2, P2 to the right ear. The selected pitch is pulsed at the selected frequency. The pulsed tones provide a beep beep sound at the selected frequency F1 while the lights are blinking at the F1 rate.

Pulsed surf – A surf sound is pulsed at frequency F1.

Binaural beats – Binaural beats sends different pitches to two ears (pitch P1 to the left ear, Pitch P1 plus frequency F1 to the right ear) and the sound source direction detection mechanism in your auditory system picks up the difference frequency F1, while the lights blink at the F1 rate.

Binaural beats with surf – a soothing surf sound in the background for binaural beats. Try it, relax with summer memories.

Dual binaural beats – is a tone selection with two binaural beat generators running at the same time. Each ear receives two tones, so you hear chords or a beat interaction in each ear, plus the four different binaural beat offsets (each of the two left ear tones against each of the right ear tones). This may seem complex and confusing, but it sounds great — dual binaural beats with pitch ramping are a fun medium to compose in and listen to.

Dual monaural beats – occur when two closely spaced pitches are mixed in the same ear, beats are heard at the difference of pitches. The dual monaural beat tone, new and unique to the Nova Pro 100, sends P1 and P1+F1 to the left ear, creating monaural beats at F1, and P2 and P2+F2 to the right ear, creating monaural beats at F2. In addition, the left eye lights blink at the F1 rate, the right eye lights at the F2 rate, for a true dual stimulation frequency experience. This is unique to PHOTOSONIX devices.

Pitch – The pitch can range from 16Hz to 960Hz, using the Just scale with A=432Hz, 6 octaves of the just scale, 12 notes/octave to enhance beat frequency. Also, the pitch 2 relative to pitch 1 mode is extended to cover P1 minus 1 to 15 hertz, as well as the P1 plus 1 to 15 hertz provided (on the Lumina). The low frequencies have a very powerful effect with the standard headphones, for even stronger effects we suggest the use of more expensive headphones.

Sine wave sound with pitch ramping.

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Audio Visuele Stimulatie en Brainwaves

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